
Main news for 17 May 2024

As much as we are in a better position, than Nicodemus, who heard these words the first. Obviously, it was very difficult for him to understand them, but it's much easier for us, knowing already what took place afterward.

All our life, all our thoughts and acts are penetrated by sin from birth - egoism, pride, fulsome praise, condemnation... Sin leads to incorrect (fallen) actions, having very ponderous consequences, which in their turn provoke new sins in us, and in our neighbors. And all this rolls, as a snowball, taking more and more speed. Certainly, such a life has nothing in common with the Kingdom of God. Can we stop it? If yes, then how?

Jesus says that a new birth is necessary for that, or regeneration, because the old life has to stop completely, and it is only after that, a new life can begin. Our participation, our desire is indispensable here, - what is called by the word "repentance". It is exactly through repentance that we come to freewill death in the water of Baptism, where ends our sinful life; and the next step is the acceptance of the new life, which the life-giving Holy Spirit, sent to us by the loving Heavenly Father grants us . And here we are, newborn babies, washed by water and Spirit, entering in the Kingdom of God...

It is so ideally. In practice - it is only partial for us. Our repentance is incomplete; we continue to repent even after the Baptism. Consequently, our sinfulness does not die completely, and we ought to be cleaned again and again. And birth from the Spirit - is rather not regeneration, but the generation in us of a new life similar to the grain of mustard, which will have to grow and grow. Yes God will make of us that fertile soil, in which the growing Kingdom will come to maturity and bring fruits!

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