
Main news for 27 July 2024

Paul's words that God is not partial would seem clear for every believer. And, generally, speaking about it, we mean first of all the incorruptibility of God and His justice. Our expectations of God's judgment are connected first of all with the fact that in His judgment each will receive according to the merit, including the one, who for some reasons managed to avoid a just judgment on earth, also as the one who sought justice from earthly judges and was not able to find it. In other words, we see in God the guardian of justice, as we understand it, such a guardian, who can make what we cannot because the fallen world according to the word of the Savior "lies in evil".

But however the purposes of God, it seems, are completely different. And the notion of justice also. His task is not the restoration of justice, but the salvation of all those, who can be saved. Of course, it is absolutely important here the spiritual and moral choice of man. It is too difficult to save someone who does not find necessary to respect the commandments given by God. And not because God gets angry with such people, but because commandments were never given by God to the people as an exceptionally moral code. They were always first of all, the description of this spiritual way, which led man to God, by deepening and strengthening his relationship with God. Or the way, which, on the contrary, led far away the man from God, if this one chose the way of the violation of the commandments. And it is not easy to save the one who runs far away from you.

And the problem here is not in the fact that God has no possibilities of influencing on those who violate the commandments given by Him, but in the fact that He respects too much the freedom of each of us to save us by force, without our agreement on it. But only if man is ready to leave behind his sin and his opposition to God, if he is ready to be converted and to repent, God accepts him as if he had no sin. God is not the guardian of morality and justice; He is the God of love and salvation.

For him, it is not important who was man, when he sinned, for Him it is important who is the man who addresses Him here and now. And really especially it is not important for God, which views and convictions holds the man who addresses Him. For him, it is not even important if the one who addresses Him is religious or not. One thing is important: how the one who addresses is going to build from now on his life: according to God's will or contrary to it. Indeed, it is only that which defines, if the one who addresses can enter the Kingdom, or will stay outside it, in the external darkness.

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