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New American Standard Bible (en)

Amos, Chapter 6

1 Woe to those who are at ease in Zion
And to those who feel secure in the mountain of Samaria,
The distinguished men of the foremost of nations,
To whom the house of Israel comes.
2 Go over to Calneh and look,
And go from there to Hamath the great,
Then go down to Gath of the Philistines.
Area Or youthey better than these kingdoms,
Or is their territory greater than yours?
3 Do you put off the day of calamity,
And would you bring near the seat of violence?
4 Those who recline on beds of ivory
And sprawl on their couches,
And eat lambs from the flock
And calves from the midst of the stall,
5 Who improvise to the sound of the harp,
And like David haveb Or invented musical instrumentscomposed songs for themselves,
6 Who drink wine fromc Lit sprinkling basinssacrificial bowls
While they anoint themselves with the finest of oils,
Yet they have not grieved over the ruin of Joseph.
7 Therefore, they will now go into exile at the head of the exiles,
And the sprawlers’d Or cultic feastsbanqueting wille Lit turn asidepass away.
8 The Lordf Heb YHWH, usually rendered LordGOD has sworn by Himself, the LORD God of hosts has declared:
“I loathe the arrogance of Jacob,
Andg Lit hatedetest his citadels;
Therefore I will deliver up the city andh Lit its fullnessall it contains.”
9 And it will be, if ten men are left in one house, they will die. 10 Then one’si Or beloved oneuncle, or hisj Lit one who burns himundertaker, will lift him up to carry out his bones from the house, and he will say to the one who is in the innermost part of the house, “Is anyone else with you?” And that one will say, “No one.” Then he willk Lit sayanswer, “Keep quiet. Forl Lit not to make mention of the name ofthe name of the LORD is not to be mentioned.” 11 For behold, the LORD is going to command that the great house be smashed to pieces and the small house to fragments.
12 Do horses run on rocks?
Or does one plowm Another reading is the sea with oxenthem with oxen?
Yet you have turned justice into poison
And the fruit of righteousness inton I.e. bitternesswormwood,
13 You who rejoice ino Lit a thing of nothingLodebar,
p Lit WhoAnd say, “Have we not by our own strength takenq Lit a pair of hornsKarnaim for ourselves?”
14 “For behold, I am going to raise up a nation against you,
O house of Israel,” declares the LORD God of hosts,
“And they will afflict you from the entrance of Hamath
To the brook of the Arabah.”
Read more:Amos, Chapter 7

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