Whole Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Exodus, Chapter 36,  verses 8-19

8 All thes Lit wise of heartskillful men among those who were performing the work made thet Lit dwelling placetabernacle with ten curtains; of fine twisted linen andu Or violetblue and purple and scarlet material, with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman,v Lit heBezalel made them. 9 The length of each curtain was twenty-eightw I.e. One cubit equals approx 18 in.cubits and the width of each curtain fourx I.e. One cubit equals approx 18 in.cubits; all the curtains hady Lit one measurethe same measurements. 10 Hez Or coupledjoined five curtains to one another and the other five curtains heaa Or coupledjoined to one another. 11 He made loops ofab Or violetblue on the edge of theac Lit one curtain from the end in the couplingoutermost curtain in the firstad Lit couplingset; he did likewise on the edge of the curtain that wasae Lit one curtain from the end in the couplingoutermost in the secondaf Lit couplingset. 12 He made fifty loops in the one curtain and he made fifty loops on theag Lit endedge of the curtain that was in the secondah Lit couplingset; the loops were opposite each other. 13 He made fifty clasps of gold andai Or coupledjoined the curtains to one another with the clasps, so the tabernacle wasaj Lit onea unit.
14 Then he made curtains of goats’ hair for a tent over the tabernacle; he made eleven curtainsak Lit in numberin all. 15 The length of each curtain was thirty cubits and four cubits the width of each curtain; the eleven curtains hadal Lit one measurethe same measurements. 16 Heam Or coupledjoined five curtains by themselves and the other six curtains by themselves. 17 Moreover, he made fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was outermost in the firstan Lit couplingset, and he made fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was outermost in the secondao Lit couplingset. 18 He made fifty clasps ofap Or copperbronze toaq Or couplejoin the tent together so that it would bear Lit onea unit. 19 He made a covering for the tent of rams’ skinsas Or tanneddyed red, and a covering of porpoise skins above.

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