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New American Standard Bible (en)

Ezekiel, Chapter 19,  verses 2-6

2 and say,
a Or Why did your mother, a lioness, lie down among lions; among young lions rear her cubs?What was your mother?
A lioness among lions!
She lay down among young lions,
She reared her cubs.
 3 ‘When she brought up one of her cubs,
He became a lion,
And he learned to tear his prey;
He devoured men.
 4 ‘Then nations heard about him;
He was captured in their pit,
And they brought him with hooks
To the land of Egypt.
 5 ‘When she saw, as she waited,
That her hope was lost,
She tookb Lit oneanother of her cubs
And made him a young lion.
 6 ‘And he walked about among the lions;
He became a young lion,
He learned to tear his prey;
He devoured men.

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