28 There is a sound of fugitives and refugees from the land of Babylon, To declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, Vengeance for His temple. 29 “Summonymany against Babylon, All those whozbend the bow: Encamp against her on every side, Let there be no escapeaa. Repay her according to her work; According to all that she has done, so do to her; For she has become arrogant against the LORD, Against the Holy One of Israel. 30 “Therefore her young men will fall in her streets, And all her men of war will beabsilenced in that day,” declares the LORD. 31 “Behold, I am against you, Oacarrogant one,” Declares the LordadGOD of hosts, “For your day has come, The timeaewhen I will punish you. 32 “Theafarrogant one will stumble and fall With no one to raise him up; And I will set fire to his cities And it will devour all his environs.” |
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