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New American Standard Bible (en)

Job, Chapter 38,  verses 1-11

1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said,
 2 “Who is this that darkens counsel
By words without knowledge?
 3 “Now gird up your loins like a man,
And I will ask you, and you instruct Me!
 4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell Me, if youa Lit know understandinghave understanding,
 5 Who set its measurements? Since you know.
Or who stretched the line on it?
 6 “On what were its bases sunk?
Or who laid its cornerstone,
 7 When the morning stars sang together
And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
 8 “Or who enclosed the sea with doors
When, bursting forth, it went out from the womb;
 9 When I made a cloud its garment
And thick darkness its swaddling band,
 10 And Ib Lit broke My decree on itplaced boundaries on it
And set a bolt and doors,
 11 And I said, ‘Thus far you shall come, but no farther;
And here shall your proud waves stop’?
Read more:Job, Chapter 38

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