Whole Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Joshua, Chapter 12,  verses 1-7

1 Now these are the kings of the land whom the sons of Israela Lit smotedefeated, and whose land they possessed beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise, from the valley of the Arnon as far as Mount Hermon, and all the Arabah to the east: 2 Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon, and ruled from Aroer, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, both the middle of the valley and half of Gilead, even as far as the brook Jabbok, the border of the sons of Ammon; 3 and the Arabah as far as the Sea ofb I.e. GalileeChinneroth toward the east, and as far as the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, eastwardc Lit the way oftoward Beth-jeshimoth, and on the south,d Lit underat the foot of the slopes of Pisgah; 4 and the territory of Og king of Bashan, one of the remnant of Rephaim, who lived at Ashtaroth and at Edrei, 5 and ruled over Mount Hermon and Salecah and all Bashan, as far as the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and half of Gilead, as far as the border of Sihon king of Heshbon. 6 Moses the servant of the LORD and the sons of Israele Lit smotedefeated them; and Moses the servant of the LORD gave it to the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh as a possession.
7 Now these are the kings of the land whom Joshua and the sons of Israelf Lit smotedefeated beyond the Jordan toward the west, from Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon even as far as Mount Halak, which rises toward Seir; and Joshua gave it to the tribes of Israel as a possession according to their divisions,

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