1 O LORD, do not rebuke me in Your anger, Nor chasten me in Your wrath. | |
2 Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am pining away; Heal me, O LORD, for my bones are dismayed. | |
3 And my soul is greatly dismayed; But You, O LORD—how long? | |
4 Return, O LORD, rescue mya Or lifesoul; Save me because of Your lovingkindness. | |
5 For there is nob Or remembrancemention of You in death; Inc I.e. the nether worldSheol who will give You thanks? | |
6 I am weary with my sighing; Every night I make my bed swim, I dissolve my couch with my tears. | |
7 My eye has wasted away with grief; It has become old because of all my adversaries. | |
8 Depart from me, all you who do iniquity, For the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. | |
9 The LORD has heard my supplication, The LORD receives my prayer. | |
10 All my enemies will be ashamed and greatly dismayed; They shalld Or again be ashamed suddenlyturn back, they will suddenly be ashamed. | |