Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

2 Chronicles, Chapter 26,  verses 13-16

13 Under their direction was anj Lit powerfulelite army of 307,500, who could wage war with great power, to help the king against the enemy. 14 Moreover, Uzziah preparedk Lit for them, for allfor all the army shields, spears, helmets, body armor, bows and sling stones. 15 In Jerusalem he made engines of war invented by skillful men to be on the towers and on the corners for the purpose of shooting arrows and great stones. Hence hisl Lit namefame spread afar, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.
16 But when he became strong, his heart was som Lit lifted upproud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the LORD his God, for he entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense.

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