Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Amos, Chapter 6,  verses 8-10

8 The Lordf Heb YHWH, usually rendered LordGOD has sworn by Himself, the LORD God of hosts has declared:
“I loathe the arrogance of Jacob,
Andg Lit hatedetest his citadels;
Therefore I will deliver up the city andh Lit its fullnessall it contains.”
9 And it will be, if ten men are left in one house, they will die. 10 Then one’si Or beloved oneuncle, or hisj Lit one who burns himundertaker, will lift him up to carry out his bones from the house, and he will say to the one who is in the innermost part of the house, “Is anyone else with you?” And that one will say, “No one.” Then he willk Lit sayanswer, “Keep quiet. Forl Lit not to make mention of the name ofthe name of the LORD is not to be mentioned.”
Lire plus:Amos, Chapter 6

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