Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Exodus, Chapter 35,  verses 25-35

25 All theaf Lit women wise of heartskilled women spun with their hands, and brought what they had spun, inag Or violetblue and purple and scarlet material and in fine linen. 26 All the women whose heartah Lit lifted them up in wisdomstirred with a skill spun the goats’ hair. 27 The rulers brought the onyx stones and the stones for setting for the ephod and for theai Or pouchbreastpiece; 28 and the spice and the oil for the light and for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense. 29 Theaj Lit sons of IsraelIsraelites, all the men and women, whose heartak Lit made them willingmoved them to bring material for all the work, which the LORD had commanded through Moses to be done, brought a freewill offering to the LORD.
30 Then Moses said to the sons of Israel, “See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in allal Or workcraftsmanship; 32 am Lit devise devicesto make designs for working in gold and in silver and inan Or copperbronze, 33 and in the cutting of stones for settings and in the carving of wood, so as to perform in every inventive work. 34 He also has put in his heart to teach, both he and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them withao Lit wisdom of heartskill to perform every work of an engraver and of a designer and of an embroiderer, inap Or violetblue and in purple and in scarlet material, and in fine linen, and of a weaver, as performers of every work and makers of designs.

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