Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Isaiah, Chapter 57,  verses 3-9

3 “But come here, you sons of a sorceress,
Offspring of an adulterer andb So ancient versions; Heb she prostitutes herselfa prostitute.
4 “Against whom do you jest?
Against whom do you open wide your mouth
And stick out your tongue?
Are you not children of rebellion,
Offspring of deceit,
5 Who inflame yourselves among thec Or terebinthsoaks,
Under every luxuriant tree,
Who slaughter the children in thed Or wadisravines,
Under the clefts of the crags?
6 “Among thee I.e. symbols of fertility godssmooth stones of thef Or wadiravine
Is your portion,g Lit they, theythey are your lot;
Even to them you have poured out a drink offering,
You have made a grain offering.
Shall Ih Or repentrelent concerning these things?
7 “Upon a high and lofty mountain
You have made your bed.
You also went up there to offer sacrifice.
8 “Behind the door and the doorpost
You have set up your sign;
Indeed, far removed from Me, you have uncovered yourself,
And have gone up and made your bed wide.
And you have made an agreement for yourself with them,
You have loved theiri Or lying downbed,
You have looked on theirj Lit handmanhood.
9 “You have journeyed to the king with oil
And increased your perfumes;
You have sent your envoys a great distance
And made them go down tok I.e. the nether worldSheol.

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