Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Job, Chapter 19,  verses 13-19

13 “He has removed my brothers far from me,
And my acquaintances are completely estranged from me.
 14 “My relatives have failed,
And my intimate friends have forgotten me.
 15 “Those who live in my house and my maids consider me a stranger.
I am a foreigner in their sight.
 16 “I call to my servant, but he does not answer;
I have to implore him with my mouth.
 17 “My breath isd Lit strangeoffensive to my wife,
And I am loathsome to my own brothers.
 18 “Even young children despise me;
I rise up and they speak against me.
 19 “Alle Lit the men of my councilmy associates abhor me,
And those I love have turned against me.
Lire plus:Job, Chapter 19

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