Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Job, Chapter 26,  verses 6-14

6 “Naked isf I.e. the nether worldSheol before Him,
Andg I.e. place of destructionAbaddon has no covering.
 7 “He stretches out the north over empty space
And hangs the earth on nothing.
 8 “He wraps up the waters in His clouds,
And the cloud does not burst under them.
 9 “Heh Lit coversobscures the face of thei Or thronefull moon
And spreads His cloud over it.
 10 “He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters
At the boundary of light and darkness.
 11 “The pillars of heaven tremble
And are amazed at His rebuke.
 12 “He quieted the sea with His power,
And by His understanding He shattered Rahab.
 13 “By His breath the heavens arej Lit made beautifulcleared;
His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent.
 14 “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways;
And how faint a word we hear of Him!
But His mighty thunder, who can understand?”
Lire plus:Job, Chapter 27

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