3 For my days have beenaconsumed in smoke, And my bones have been scorched like a hearth. | |
4 My heart has been smitten likebgrass and has withered away, Indeed, I forget to eat my bread. | |
6 Ieresemble a pelican of the wilderness; I have become like an owl of the waste places. | |
14 Surely Your servantsmfind pleasure in her stones And feel pity for her dust. | |
17 He has regarded the prayer of thepdestitute And has not despised their prayer. | |
19 For He looked down from His holy height; From heaven the LORD gazeduupon the earth, | |
20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner, To set freevthose who were doomed to death, | |
23 | |
24 I say, “O my God, do not take me away in thewmidst of my days, Your years are throughout all generations. | |
26 “xEven they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. | |
27 “But You areythe same, And Your years will not come to an end. | |
28 “The children of Your servants will continue, And theirzdescendants will be established before You.” |
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