Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Psalms, Psalm 77

1 My voice rises to God, and He will hear me.
2 My voice rises to God, and I will cry aloud;
2 In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord;
In the night my hand was stretched outa Lit and did not grow numbwithout weariness;
My soul refused to be comforted.
3 When I remember God, then I am disturbed;
When I sigh, then my spirit grows faint.b Selah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interludeSelah.
4 You have held my eyelids open;
I am so troubled that I cannot speak.
5 I have considered the days of old,
The years of long ago.
6 I will remember my song in the night;
I will meditate with my heart,
And my spiritc Lit searchedponders:
7 Will the Lord reject forever?
And will He never be favorable again?
8 Has His lovingkindness ceased forever?
Has Hisd Lit wordpromise come to an ende Lit from generation to generationforever?
9 Has God forgotten to be gracious,
Or has He in angerf Lit shut upwithdrawn His compassion? Selah.
10 Then I said, “It is myg Or infirmity, the years of the right hand of the Most Highgrief,
That the right hand of the Most High has changed.”
11 I shall remember the deeds ofh Heb Yahthe LORD;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
12 I will meditate on all Your work
And muse on Your deeds.
13 Your way, O God, is holy;
What god is great like our God?
14 You are the God who works wonders;
You have made known Your strength among the peoples.
15 You have by Youri Lit armpower redeemed Your people,
The sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.
16 The waters saw You, O God;
The waters saw You, they were in anguish;
The deeps also trembled.
17 The clouds poured out water;
The skies gave forth a sound;
Your arrowsj Lit wentflashed here and there.
18 The sound of Your thunder was in the whirlwind;
The lightnings lit up the world;
The earth trembled and shook.
19 Your way was in the sea
And Your paths in the mighty waters,
And Your footprints may not be known.
20 You led Your people like a flock
By the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Lire plus:Psalms, Psalm 77

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